7 reasons why I am still in advertising.

My first ever interview on the lookout for a job, was at Jet Airways for an opening in sales. The interviewer asked me a question. He said, “In the airline industry what are you selling?”. After thinking for a bit, I gave an earnest answer. I said, “We are selling a flying experience that’s one of a kind.”

The interviewer again asked me “No, what are you selling?”. I thought some more and said, “you are selling the journey of getting from point A to point B in the most luxurious and convenient manner”. The interviewer asked again “No, what are you selling?”. With a hint of exasperation, I said “Why don’t you tell me what I am selling”. And he said “Seats”.

I knew then that a sales job was not for me. But in my gut, I knew I was good at framing the persuasion that leads to a sale.

So, I left that interview, went straight to Ogilvy Chennai, and pestered them till they gave me a job. I have been in advertising ever since. And every day has been a new learning experience. And while there are numerous reasons why I continue in this field, here are 7 reasons why I love my job in advertising.

You get to work on multiple brands

Variety is the spice of life. True in the case of advertising. You are not stuck with one brand, doing the same thing over and over. You have a new challenge almost every day from multiple brands.

The high of seeing your work live

Unlike many other industries, in advertising your work has a physical manifestation – in the form of a film, print ad, outdoor hoarding, radio spot etc. And till today I proudly proclaim to my friends and family when I see my work live on an outdoor hoarding, a film on a social platform, radio or the newspaper. Not many people can show off their work publicly. In banking for example, what is the physical manifestation? There isn’t any.

The creative process and constant learning

Being a closet writer, I enjoy the creative process. And as an account management person, when I occasionally crack a creative concept or a headline, the endorphins just kick in big time! I live for such moments. The learning is endless too. You can never reach a point, where you can say you know it all or have seen it all.

Advertising keeps you young

Vanity is a great driver. At least for me. Do you know why kids remain youthful? Because they are active, and their mind is constantly stimulated with new and exciting things to do. Advertising does the same. You are constantly on the move, physically and mentally. And while it’s not for the weak of heart, I think the physical and mental stimulation keeps one young.

Up against a younger pride

In advertising you are up against a younger, more motivated bunch of people all the time. The next generation literally keeps you on your toes. They are not only physically fitter (and more good looking), but they also bring a new perspective to work.

Personally, I feel that’s what has kept me lean and hungry on most days (and I have been around for close to 20 years, and yes, I have a slight belly now). You get to learn and teach all at the same time.

The people

I have been fortunate to work with a great set of people throughout my career (and as I write this, I have my fingers and toes crossed so I don’t jinx it). They are not only super talented and hardworking, but great human beings overall. And I am richer for knowing them.

The envy of others

Advertising is still viewed as a glamorous job. My friends think it’s an endless loop of parties, awards seasons, pretty girls, booze and film shoots. I don’t try to correct them. Hardly do they know for every ad film am involved in, I do 100 mind numbing brochures. But if they think my work is a party, who am I to correct them?

Now if only the money was better…

Vinay Mahadevan

31 August, 2022|Source:
